Hello again to who ever you are.
I have like 3 exams coming very soon and my throat is dry currently because i learn by the methodology of "teaching the air"; where I explain what I know to my imaginary friends, and try to make up random questions along the way.
I've done that and now I am exhausted. For the time being, I want to actually ask you about this question, do the government have the right to end your life?
One thing that pops out to your head is probably the penal system, where death sentence takes place. By the way I am tired as fuck so my english is probably at its worst. Back to topic... Death sentence is a fairly common practice used in many countries, including some of the modern countries. For example, Singapore is still executing anyone who carries certain amount of illegal drugs.
Before answering our question directly, I want you to know put this in your head as well:
1) that suicidal is also an illegal act in some of the countries that still carry the death penalty system. Any suicide attempts will be brought into the court and etc etc happens to you, as well as the family (depending on countries).
2) stupidly obvious, but murder is illegal as well...
3) assisted suicide is also murder.
At this point, don't you think that something is off? If you know it by now, this shows that your life is controlled directly by government only.
So what is life here? Why can the justice system take out such a thing? Is it because justice system is more reliable than specific individuals? To allow the act of taking someone's life, also risks taking out the innocent lives. Just what is being done here? We, do not have as much rights to decide our life's path than the governments. Don't get me wrong, I strongly agree that the 3 things are extremely sinful and illegal in my heart. But what makes the government so special that they are allowed to take out lives?
You might ask, so what do we do with a psychotic people then? Before answering that, I believe in 1 thing, which is that everyone has the right to grow. But what about their path? That should obviously be controlled by the government, since they are the ones that supposed to provide education to their citizens right? Many big time criminals out there.... I believe, are just those who were not helped to grow properly. Although it IS TRUE that some of these people did not want help to begin with, where they have indulged themselves in the life of crime that it is their norm. But again, many of these people were already set to the wrong path when they were young. Younger people are easier to get manipulated, but that is the essence of life isn't it. Isn't exposing your child to nature, teaching all the goodness of the world and appreciate them in a way IS manipulating your child to grow towards the path of goodness? That's what education system should do. Manipulate child's mind so that they would grow towards the path of good. But do note that many countries until today still fails this criteria; which is to see the world as competition. Grades matter, rather than guiding each individuals to utilize their true ability and make use of that ability to make a better world.
Joan just sent me a yaoi of some guy grinding some other guy's D, with one of the partner's shirt lifted up to show the world their mini mountain.
I agree with what I said because there is this one youtuber, who was lost in his life (close murder, street life, drop out, etc), managed to get his life back to socially good and has helped many out there in overcoming their bad lives. What brought him back to his feet? It is his hobby... to pet fish... make gorgeous aquariums. That's it. He personally said that his hobby had diverted his life from chaos to good. But... what education system encourages people today to work on something that they enjoy? Obviously, not many. And that's how such a education system have brought us to today. Those who don't do so well in class were kicked out, hated by parents, hated by community.... That, is the seed of evil being born. And what do they do when they got into the path of total chaos? Death penalty.
It is essentially the side effect of bad education system, which creates these hard time offenders, which the government have to get rid of. Weird, it's like these people with hidden ability that could potentially bring goodness to the world were taken down just because of the government's own small mistakes. Although what I said has many more factors, i would just leave it like that.
With all that's said, I would just say we have a weird system. And for the overall question, do I think that government have the right to take down people who did unforgivable offense?
My answer is Yes. However, the blame is still on the government themselves. The ones that should carry most of the sins, are those leaders who are not trying their upmost best to protect their own citizen. When I say fail to keep their upmost best, it is usually due to their: ignorance, lack of leadership skills and greed. But all in all, what can we do except electing the best leader~