So, recently I felt like my paper towel I have for my room have been teleporting to the bathroom. And ofcourse my prime suspect is that one K guy that have been ruining my house with his piss. To confirm this suspicion, I had set up trap for him in my room to make sure that he really did come by and took my paper towel, as he requires to use a ton of them due to the "diet" pill he is taking. Spoiler alert, diet pill causes the deactivation of fat digesting enzymes that would normally digest fat. So you can tell that the bathroom is dirty as fuck because the accumulation of fat gives the microbes in intestine to grow more rapidly, and lead to constant diarrhea.
When I was setting up my trap, I did not use a vid cam since I wasn't in the mood to spend money for something like this. So what I did was the very well known marker of door opening, which is tape. I could just tape the bathroom door connecting to my room. But that is not foolproof at all, as I have another door leading to the living room, which he could access too. And I can't set up tape indicator as my trap, as he could simply notice the tape, place back the tape, and use the other door leading to the living room as well. Note that I can't tape the door leading to the living room because I have to exit the room somehow too, and the tape would have been useless practically.
So what did I have to do, in order to have me know weather he entered my room or not? Do I have to gamble that he would not notice the tape? Do I have to gamble the fact that he may just not thought about me testing his presence in my room? Do I have to gamble that he used the bathroom door, and not the living room door? Do I have to gamble that he took the tissue roll and placed it back at the same exact place, and I can't tell the difference?
With all those in mind, something came out in my head. A conversation of a father and a kid.
Father: One should not gamble, as they are designed to drain one's cash eventually.
Kid: But what if one day I have to gamble no matter what?
Father: At that moment, you'll have to do what I am about to teach you... a method to gain victory during gamble.
With that.... I knew what I should do. A fail proof method to identify if he entered the room or not.
The following is set by this K's perspective.
K boy planned to enter T's room to steal his tissue paper. As he opened the door he noticed 3 tape strip hanging on the top of the door, and one on the bottom. He went in anyway and take my tissue paper. He pay to attention took a roll which was placed very obviously on my table. He went to the bathroom, used the roll and placed it back on the plastic bag he found. He retapped the top tape strip, and he removed the plastic bag on the floor that covered the tape strip, retape the door, and place the plastic bag back to where it was. He also noticed some tape strip on the door leading to living room as well. He tried to fix, but since he knew that he won't be able to fix it and not perturbed the other door's trap, he had no choice but to use the door leading to the living room as the exit. Also he did that because he knew I wouldn't be able to tell any way since I always use the door connecting to the living room to enter my room. So he then used the living room door and left to the bathroom.
All in all, he had triggered 2 traps I set. 1 is a confirmation trap that he used my toilet roll, the other is just a trap to see if he actually noticed my bluff and tried to fixed it, or basically to confirm if he thinks I am fine having him to randomly enter my room. If he came in through the door via the living room and exit via that door only, I would know that he had entered and stole my roll anyway. Anyhow, I have set up a very simple trap.
Let's go through how he had triggered my trap. The trap that is a little complex is the test to see if he thinks that entering my room is fine for him (not fine for me lol). If he entered via the bathroom door, and take my roll, he'll notice 5 strips of tapes that is located very obvious at my door leading to the living room. Note the door to the living room and to the bathroom is perpendicular to each other, at the corner of my room. So either way he has to see it and noticed that I set up tapes on both door before going back into the bathroom. The living room door 5 strips are just to get his attention that there are strips on the bathroom door as well, which are obvious when he walks toward the bathroom door. If he would fix that and exit via the front door, he would tape the 3 strips that I placed. 2 of them are just to guide him that there is 1 more tape at the bottom of the door. And when he moved the plastic bag away, put the strip back and place back my plastic bag, he triggered my trap/indicator if he tried to fix those tapes back together. This is a very simple physics, which is the idea of entropy. when he moved my bag, he have to grab it, place it as where, grab it and placed it back. Now, what are the odd of him capable of folding the plastic bag to how it was like before? Nearly zero, as it is a old plastic bag that can change shape with the slightest movement. and how did I able to confirm that, is by taking picture of it on 3 diff angle before I leave my house. the more he touches the bag, the more it changes. That's it. If he noticed the tapes and would try to fix them, he triggers that, if he doesn't then that answers that he doesn't care about just entering my room like that. There is one gamble that I make here, which is that we would never enter my room via living door room, as he always check on bathroom for toilet roll before entering my room. This would not be triggered if he entered my room via front door. All that complexity just to see if he cares about my privacy at all. Next, which is the most simplest trick that I don't think it is worth being called a trick at all, which is to give a small graphite mark on the tissue roll. If it is used just once, the marking will disappear ( as it is marked on the front most square of the roll), which shows that it is used by someone while I was gone.
Was this the result? No. I wish though. I have wasted your time, so thank you and have a good day/night.