Certainly some experiences we go through may or may not last very long. At points I do think that a certain moment of my life would stay with me for years to come. But certainly the rule of life doesn't allow me to experience those.
Just like pain, good experiences would one day break down and cease to exist. I am not talking about the loss of life, but rather those "summer minecraft memory of 2010 memory" kind of thing. Yes is about gaming. For those who don't game, it is a weird thing where you met some people you don't know online, but to later spend so much time with them and actually gave you good gaming memory. Those people mostly comes and leaves without any means of you to contact them once again as they move on to play something else. But the problem is not longer that evident as something like discord would allow gamers to always connect to each other even if they have moved on to other games.
I am writing this down because I wished I could write my past experiences together about gaming here as well, but I couldn't as the only memory I had was nothing but an imagine or short clips of those experiences.
Let's begin with the very first memory....
Maplestory. A very fucked up game where I gave my all just to get hacked. I knew about this game because of my older brother. I went to his friend's birthday party, I think her name is Stephanie or something, where she showed him the game. I recall I said I want to try too, and she immediately told me "no, you can't play." I understood that she doesn't want everyone in the house to play her account, but fuck her and her fully pimpled face. After I got my own PC, I tried downloading it like a bazillion times just to get failed installation. Apparently the application was so senstivie that if I clicked the loading bar or do something else, it would crash.
I began as bowmaster, with the name Kushluk, the traitorous leader in Genghis Khan's army or something. Then I remember using my whole weekend or something to play that bitch ass game to level the fuck up. Back then leveling to 30 takes about a week of gameplay (now if you have the gear and cash item, you can go to level 200 in 1 hour 30 min). Back then grinding was such an intense shit but fun. I even remember using my own money to buy cash, but to later be accused of getting scammed and beaten up by my parents. Good memories.
I got to level 70 after like what, half a year? But later my friend was so into my character that he helped me grind my hero with hacks, which later caused my account to be banned for 8 years (i think i should be able to play that account now since this was like 10 years ago). During those times, truly my memory of having fun is undeniable. My grinding for level and items... my times when I literally went to Free Market and ask for a GF. I got a GF and I literally added her in my Facebook. From this game, I united my classmates to play and I genuinely was so fond of those memories of being a loser and spread it to my class. Back then for what it felt like forever, had to end as maplesotry was already losing it reputation even before I graduate high school. I certainly played a lot of other private servers, which gave me the fun, but in the end it wasn't as much fun as the original maple where I played with the whole class. I played lao shu ai ta mi on repeat and from then everytime I play this song, I recalled those times in maplestory.
During the same timeline as Maplestory, or even before (actually it is before MS), that I played Warcraft 3 custom maps. Playing in garena was one of those memories I can't forget. Sad that garena actually removed this very to quality option of playing TFE3 maps, but oh wells. Almost every other Saturdays, I went to the pregnant lady's house to play random custom maps with others from the class. DOTA was one of those, but I quickly lose interest in DOTA. I remember Ghost Park and some other shits that I played back then. I don't have much strong memories of WC3 before, but I'll get to more later.
I honestly I don't remember much of other games I playted during high schools other than those mentioned, as well as counter strike I guess, but I don't play CS as much before. Oh I do play GTA SA given from the very own big boy from my class. It honestly was a very cool game where I get to mod lots of shits to make better car or planes or what the fuck ever skin I want for my self. And from that I get called to his house just for me to help him get the skins for him.
Guess that's all I have, but I do have a more recent and stronger memories that I hopefully will write here soon before I forget my shits.
Ephemeral Experiences I