It is withou saying that I am always in love with the life of adventuring in a fantasy world. The wild idea of going into the unknown and destroy monsters to get loot and experiences is without a doubt my everyday fantasy and view of freedom. So what are my sources of fanatsy dreams? Alot actually, and every day few months I get a new anime/manga/games that would fuel new or ongoing stories I have in my head.
But I do want to mention one RPG game that happens to be the one of the strongest ones that drives my dungeon dream from time to time. Interestingly it is just a custom map from Warcraft 3 called TWRPG. Like the chances of one getting to know this game is really low in the world as it is just, again, a custom map in a bigger game. However the community is not too small either, a few hundred in NA community, and about thousands in Korea and China community. A very unlikely source of RPG experience, but boy did I have some wild experiences in this community.
The story began when I literally, without knowing, played the hacked map; it was called Shan RPG. At that time Warcraft 3 was my only source of RPG games and the gameplay of this custom map was very well made and I was truly awed by it. From time to time I joined the map hosted in Garena and I soon recruited my younger brother to play as well with me. I started playing as a Bowmaster with the name of
"Chaika" really because I was super big fan of that anime back then. It is also odd that the class I always pick first in an RPG is usually a Bowmaster for whatever reason other than it is ranged unit. I remember a few moments where I played with my brother for 30 minutes trying to take down Demon Lord Beriel because back then it was one of the harder boss to kill, and the drop rate is also very low. I also remember trapping a Summon Boss by a tree and then summon it there so it get stuck and I get to kill from far away.
For whatever reason, I stopped playing for abit. Then I started playing again during my sophomore year during my community college life. And that was when I think Garena community was still there because it was the time that I complained about the game as that was when I just realized that Replays are important, and the one I have been playing was a hacked map. Ofcourse I was basically an unintended criminal for a little bit, but luckily I wasn't reported as a full hacker and get banned. So I created a new Bowmaster and played with a group of people before leaving the game because Ent gaming portal was down and I had no idea how to play with anyone anymore.
Fast forward to 2 years ago, 2 weeks before Halloween. I ended up starting in Battle net where I ended up purchasing the full legit game. And that's when I get into the adventure today. I joined random lobbies, get to play with certain groups, and at times get kicked by someone named Juggy as he doesn't want random people to join his game. I still played until I ended up carrying a person we called pin alongside the people he play with. That's the beginning of me in a real group of gamers. He set up his group and I was in it and we progress and regress at times, which is of course the fun of this game. Some join as some left, and that's the nature of games. That's until I entered mii/phony group, which was apparently one of the best group in Eng community. That's all fun and shit though my progress on my Bow master was slow as fuck. It was odd because to build, the back then best Bow, the God Bow, I had to underwent suffer where Essence of Storm never drop and I saw ~15 Aegis of storm drops before I see Essence drop (note that both Essence of Storm and Aegis of Storm has the same drop rate). I still remember that day when the drop rate for full house turned to 100% increase and I gamed with my group until 4-5am. And I also remembered that I dreamt of the item that I wanted dropped twice. It was a total nightmare, but eventually I received it from Turtle's group. Now comes the last material, Spearhead of Death. That took me months before it even drop, and the funny thing is, it dropped during the Summer event at the Volley ball, which is supposed to be much much more rare than from the normal boss itself. But that's how I finally got my then end game weapon. Later on, I was finally dragged to the then new end game boss, Agareth, and boy was it suffering as it was not an easy one to kill when we first started.
However, like karma chameleon, things come and goes, and so do the group after a dispute over certain problem which shattered the group and ended the life. Though I wasn't around during those period (I was doing my school application), it was still sad that things like this happened. I ended up backing to the life of gacha game, which was Fate Grand Order for many months. I used up a lot of money and learned that it was very toxic for my behavior; but I still play till today anyways.
When life comes to kind of dull and boring, suddenly one of the ex member, Idol as we call him, suddenly pulled all of us together and play again. We technically are not a group, as no one is mandating a proper group set up and what not, but we just play again. This time however, I learned that I am quite bored of playing one same unit, so I decided to play another, which is Phantom Blade, due to its unique playstyle and of course, 2B skin. And that's what led to today's dungeon life. though some people betrayed to Masin, but still, I am grateful that the same people are back at it again with a new policy to prevent whatever happened before that shattered the group from ever happening again.
Dungeon Life