I do not have much today.. just wondering about the past that I am thinking about. One of them is being how people in my high school show their affection in class or elsewhere by holding hands and stare at a blank. Why though? I thought of this since a long time ago, but I never really think hard enough about it as much as today. People sit around them while they hold hands and look infront without any reaction. I placed myself (as the old self) into back then and I do not have any reason, or any drive to want to do anything like that. Shouldn't me and my partner be talking non stop in class? Or do something else more human? Holding hands like that without doing anything else reminds me of dogs mating. Once they hump, they tend to stick their genitals and do nothing, while other dogs or humans are staring at them. Enough about that as I can't really think of a reason why.
The next on agenda is about what the girl from 1st blog told me, 'i know you can find someone better that me.' Just so odd that what she said back then was just so true. Oh god I can't change the font to match with the previous fonts.... but whatever. The point is.... how did she know? I mentioned previously that I took what she said as "trying to push me away from her in a friendly way." Now that I am much more rational than my shitty old self.... I am wondering..... if she really knew that she was also lost back then and wasn't capable of showing innocent boys the ways of proper relationship. That could be a possibility or that my old hypothesis (more like assumption) that she is trying to push me away nicely. But to think about it, I did find a wonderful person to date with. Though she ain't perfect, she has rare traits that many other people don't have. Just.... what was she thinking in order to tell me such statement?
This one will probably the last as I want to sleep. I am not sure if I wrote this in any of my previous blog, but I usually associate a cluster of my memory by musics. And it seems to me that my whole college and uni life is mostly can be represented by sound tracks from Katawa Shoujo. It is a visual novel that is made by 4channers and made them free for anyone to download. And the musics are actually used to represent this blog. You are listening to them now if the audio for this blog works for you. Everytime I listened to some of the track, it always reminds me of my last few months of my college. Always reminded me of the house I stayed in.... such a beautiful memory. I strongly encourage you to read this novel. Yes it does contain H-scene, but you can actually go to Option in the main menu and deactivate it if you are not conformable with that. The story basically set on a person who have to transfer to a School for Disability after suffering a sickness. There are 5 girls that you can read about and their story are independent of one another, mostly meaning that going into one girl's story line would yield a very different ending from with another girl. I won't give spoilers but here are the girls that you can choose route from and my opinion on their story line.
This character, named Hanako, has the most FEEL storyline compared to the rest of the girls. Highly liked by the community by the huge amount of character development made by the main character (you) and especially this girl. I would strongly recommend reading her storyline if you want to know about the story of how one deals with mentally broken person and rise them up. Not sure if this is a spoiler or not, but it is obvious from the start that she is not physically handicapped, but mentally is. So be prepared to read her story and end with sadness to how great the story went.
This person, Shizune, has a poorly written story in my opinion. There are tonnes of moments where the story could have been spiced up, but the written did not do anything about it. The amount of character development here is okay for the main character, but as much on her side (many people agree that the ending doesn't seem to be like the other girl's good story line, as in the end no one solves anything, little if there's any). I won't tell you why, but with this character, in many ways, could be written much more greatly that it would scar my heart like crazy. I put this girl as the second here (even though there's no ranking here ) because I really really really like her. I could link myself to her at most parts.... making me wonder if this is the girl version of me. I was so angry that such a potential for epic story here was wasted. Before I discourage everyone about this girl, I would strongly suggest that everyone to read the other girl's story line and still going to this one. And after that's done, go and find the beta version of this novel and read her story there. Apparently the beta version of this girl's story is much different from the alpha (official) version, and is reviewed to be much much better than the one in the official novel. Rumor had it that the original author for this girl actually left when the story was done and copyrighted the story for his/herself, making other people having to recreate a new storyline from scratch. Which makes sense why her story sucks in the alpha version, as people were hurried to finish her story. I'll reedit this blog when I finish reading the beta version story.
Lily, in my opinion, has the most typical love story that you will find. Her storyline is nicely written but in terms of feels and emotional session, her is quite flat. Most of the time the story gives off a calm and romantic vibe. The roller coaster only happens in the ending, which was not too long, but still worth it. Many people also reviewed her as one of the top girls to read. For me, I prefer Hanako's story as it had much more feelings of uncertainty and heavy emotional swings. You can take her route if you like normal romantic stories with not much of shock.
Rin's story is really weird. Portrait as a tomboy, she often talks very philosophically and end up confusing both character. When I say confusing, it doesn't mean you are the one who's confused, but the main character does, so basically there aren't anything wrong with you as the reader. She's one of the odd character to date here, and in my opinion, she is actually a very interesting person to go with. She reminded me one of my close friend who's always talk philosophically and ended up saying things that no one in the table understands. To get to understand this kind of people are very interesting and I would recommend you to read her story. In terms of feel.... not much for me, but I did get a very happy and satisfaction feeling when I finished reading her story.
Last one is Emi. I did not get to her story yet as I wasn't interested in a loli's story. I read many good reviews about her story. Many referred her as either the best or the second best to Hanako's story. I'll probably read her story later when I get to grad school or something, so I can start my 2nd part of education life with this visual novel.
That's most about it. I really like how this is made by non paid people.... especially the music... it's so great yet the composer still made them knowing he won't be paid much or at all. So remember kids, read this novel.
Wonders of the Past
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