One battle that I have been battling, is the demons in me. Just like in a MMO-RPG what they share in common is the bosses have different skills for attacking and we need to have our proper strategy for fighting a given boss.
Now what is this I am saying? Everyone has their inner demon and that's a given. I don't know and don't bother looking up what people call them commonly, but it is a weakness one has in general. Do you feel like you have been giving, but never then be repaid? That to me is your inner demon working on you. You may be the one that's giving but say to yourself that it is the goodwill of God to do so. But how can you be so sure that it is not the false statement of you demon? How can one be good, but one that is also not drain one self from being to good? I am not considering creating non-profit charity or organization for helping the need falls into this cat4egory by the way; rather I am referring to one that is always giving when they themselves also don't have anything to give to one self, which also to be clear, excludes the love a parent gives. That's one example, and others are as common as prejudice related intentions, including but not limited to racism and sexism.
One problem with the society since long ago is some people decide to take these weaknesses/demons and try to justify that they are that way and others should accept their "opinion." It gets more ridiculous for those who used this for their free speech movements and cause despair in the general population that it is helping. Fear, is a common drive to this. Fear upon the unknown is natural, however, creating one believe and justifying it as correct is just another act of stupidly, especially not trying to understand science/logic in general.
Although I can blab on how some people can really be fixated in becoming very naive and not chaging, here, I'll list the battles and perhaps victories I have over the demon I have in me.
One thing clear, I choose to destroy the demon in me than actually justifying their presence in me.
1) Fear
The demon fear is one that I have in me for some time of my life, which also is the common one in the major popultion. I fear the unknown and had the options to either spread the fear or to keep it in me. I could, fear things because my imagination is acting up, and I can easily tell when it happens; though calming it down is hard. Just like how some religions spread fear from their God, I for one, don't think I should fear my God. Why? Simple, I live a proper and helpful life, I am good. Others? They can worship their deity and have their own god judge them and my God don't probably give a shit about them. Why should I worship a bad idol? Another thing that makes my mind easier to process this ie because I grew up in a multi-cultural places, hence I learn that everyone with different religion can actually be good and not fearing their God, and also not telling me to convert and be worshiping their god. I actually once believed that my God is also to be feared, but upon performing "rituals" that I thought is necessary for me to get out of damnation, I learned those self-hurting rituals did not work and in fact, my life has been so much better without it. Like as if my God is telling me that there's no need for a despair to have a better luck/future. From then on, I truly have removed the fear of deity and future, as now that I look at my surrounding... where people are suffering from their own life, I must say I am grateful for me to be who am I today.
2) Illusion of Power
Being born a male in a species that's predominantly patriarchy, I began with the most stereotype thinking ever regarding gender inequalities. However throughout my growing, I notice that not all females are weak. There are some strong ones and smarts ones than majority of the males exist in this world. It is more evident of me when I started dating. My exertion of man-power was at its upmost digesting. Why, just because I am an XY chromosome creature, I have to think that I am better? Truly grateful I have such a patient wifey that made me a better person today, and not like most males out there that's always exerting their stereotype power. But how is it they can change though? I am very lucky, but of many others, I don't know how they can change other than someone they love actually nurtures them and they are also willing to learn.
Racism is a thing that I don't have since the get go since I grew up in a multi cultural place, so it's never in my system to defeat.
3) Revenge
I started as a person who curses and love to be in hate and drama. It was only until recently that I learned, the time I curse a person, I get it back onto me, it's like a reflect. Another is to utilize the idea of getting back for getting something bad on me. To a certain extent, it is still in me, but in general I used to think badly about someone for being not nice to me (including when I also was the one who started it) and I'd imagine ways to spread the hate and bring back to that person. But now? I learned that most of those problems that I hated and wishing for revenge for are nothing but child plays. It's almost so dumb that I'd take revenge for even someone talking shit about me. Like what, those are just words. Not like they should define me or anything. But criticism are different, those I take in with me, however those without credentials who talk as if they are smart, I usually ignore because they are probably suffering from their demons that they probably have been comfortably living with. For me, I defeat this by logic. As simple as, will those words actually affect my future? If no, don't care. If yes, probably care. But how often it is that it doesn't affect my future? I notice is 100% as of now. Ya, no one's word I remember actually would affect my future. I can still express disgust upon a person for their story, but main point I decide not to take shits personally. I filter the goods and the bad, not ignoring all, but process if the statements given to me are actually useful for my growth or not.
4) Assumption and Fear
The demon of assumption is a scary one these days as it is the reason how pseudoscience people think. This and that correlated, and AHA it is connected. Very common in anti-vaxxers as well as flat earthers, the ones that would use highly assumption ruled works and justify their fact, with out knowing those who actually made those facts are the ones purposefully control the string to rule these people out of their caves. I have long removed this actually, since I went to the world of science and research, where I know, it is not probably controlled by the government for faking or tracking people. Also one thing out of this that I don't udnerstand, is why people are so scared in the first place of having microchips in them? Like what? A FBI gonna watch you all the time? Please Susan, no body gives a SHIT about your life. Also if you don't do bad deeds then why fear? As if they want to see your ragged body every 30 mins. Don't.... flatter yourself please.
5) Segregation and fear
I also grew up with the ideology of not accepting diverse sex identity as the hyper conservative place I grew up in doesn't accept them. This is also tanks to my wifey as well as being in the USA, that essentially, everyone's the same. Gay/lesbians/queer/w.e. like they all acts like normal people, so what's there to discriminate? This is of course gets defeated by exposure and logic (they act like other people, hence they are? That's right, normal people). This is actually what I hate from some countries that highly enforces law from before dark age. Like as if their civilization then is good? Some people just want to justify the power from the past in order to maintain power (which also could be driven by fear). At this point I don't know what to say other than wowing on people who are so driven by fear and decides to embrace them.
Fighting all of these sounds like it is simple... Like yea essentially use logic right? Yea, but it is also given that emotion is stronger than your logic. Your emotion is the first key to unlock logical thinking, but certainly some people who never acknowledge their demons would not even recognize their demons and actually just think that their are correct and logical.
In summary, I ended up a very... lax person after all these years. Not very ignorant because that is also another type of demon that I have yet to understand in me (Ignorance). Feels good though... living without prejudices and hate and segregation.
Life... is actually good after 25 Years of raid.
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